Basement Waterproofing


Basement Waterproofing by Premier Restoration Service LLC


Is your basement damp, moist, or musty? If you have experienced any or all of these, it may be time to have your basement waterproofed. Since 2004, Premier Restoration Service LLC has been providing basement waterproofing services to residents. As a leader in the water damage industry, we have expert technicians and techniques to keep even the most stubborn basements dry. A damp or musty basement is not just about the smell. Over time, it's an ideal environment for mold and mildew to flourish, which can lead to other health issues. If you've noticed signs of dampness in your basement, it's time for you to call an expert basement waterproofing contractor.


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(443) 315-2839


When Should You Consider Basement Waterproofing?

If you regularly notice any of the following issues in your basement, it's probably time you start thinking about waterproofing your basement.

  • Damp basement floor
  • Musty odor
  • Damp walls
  • Leaky basement windows
  • Sump pump or french drain issues
  • Condensation


Premier Restoration Service LLC Has You Covered

Basement waterproofing involves techniques to prevent water from penetrating through the floors, walls, and windows. This technique may involve simply sealing certain areas or more complex solutions such as an installation of a french drain or sump pump. Our technicians at Premier Restoration Service LLC assess every basement, the severity of the water issue, and suggest the best resolution for your damp basement. In any case, whether you need just sealants applied or a french drain or sump pump installed, know that you're in good hands with Premier Restoration Service LLC.


Why Choose Premier Restoration Service LLC?

  • Trusted, certified technicians
  • Leaders in water damage and basement waterproofing
  • Use of up-to-date technology and superior products
  • Affordable
  • Flexible scheduling

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(443) 315-2839

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